How to deal with stress-based eating?

Authored by Ayesha F., a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist from the United States


Our mental state may greatly effect our bodies and influence our eating choices and exercise routines. High levels of stress can lead to a lack of control over weight and eating habits, followed by a sense of uneasiness. How we manage these emotional issues has a dramatic influence on our overall health, weight, and fitness objectives. This article covers helpful techniques to manage with stress-related eating and maintain a healthy balance.


Initiating a series of self-reflective inquiries can serve as a beneficial aid in maintaining health and fitness objectives during emotionally tough times:

How on earth can I keep my calm when things become tough?

Am I the eating superhero or the avoidance artist when stress hits?

Do I relax out on the sofa, or am I more of a hit-the-gym-to-clear-my-mind sort of person?

When faced with emotionally stressful conditions, how can you maintain equilibrium?

Do you tend to turn to food or alcohol during situations of stress, or do you find yourself avoiding them altogether?

When agitated, do you prefer for relaxation through sedentary hobbies or indulge in exercise to clear your mind?

Strategies to Navigate Emotional Eating:

Make a List: Grab a pen, write a list! It's like a superhero cape for your to-do tasks. Crossing things off feels fantastic, and it keeps you from fretting about forgetting anything vital.  Creating a to-do list helps prioritize jobs, ensuring that vital duties are not forgotten. This technique can lessen the added stress of missing obligations and create a sense of accomplishment, especially during emotional obstacles.

How to deal with stress-based eating?    Our emotions affect our bodies and exercise habits. In times of increased emotional stress, we may lose our weight control along with our eating habits and experience an insecure period with increased stress. The ways we deal with such periods significantly affect our health, weight and fitness goals. The methods of coping with stress-based eating as follows:     First, we can start by asking yourself some questions to help you maintain your health and fitness goals:

Plan Your Meals: Proactively preparing meals may minimize skipping meals or engaging in bad food choices. Compiling a list of fruits and vegetables for grocery shopping ensures your body obtains critical nutrients during stressful moments.

Plan Fun Activities: Anticipating fun activities helps favorably to your attitude. Whether it's a yoga class, a bowling night with friends or family, or any other enjoyable pastime, diverting your mind from worries can enhance your emotional condition.

Take Time for a Walk: Incorporate frequent walking breaks into your schedule, either at home or the office. Walking not only clears your mind but also gives fresh air and physical exertion, especially while engrossed with other concerns.

Spend Time with Friends and Family: Connecting with loved ones during tough times might divert your emphasis away from troubles. Engaging in physical hobbies with friends and family is a positive strategy to escape unwanted ideas and provides crucial support.

Avoid Unhealthy foods: While sugary foods may bring brief respite, the eventual energy drop is unavoidable.Opt for snacks rich with protein — your energy levels will reward you in the long run.


Life's all about balance, and that includes our emotions and food habits. So, let's keep it real, stay optimistic, and combat those stress-related cravings together. By integrating these simple tactics, you'll not only navigate emotional eating but also embrace a happier, healthier version of you!

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